Christic Peace

Geography In The 80’s

Reading Time: < 1 minute

May Geography continue Fish, Flesh and Fowl: hybrid, cosmopolitan; 

a garden where a thousand flowers bloom: yet seeking through its offerings to be holistic : integrating facts, ideas. 

Retaining, learning to revere it’s generalist educative function, and so promote intellectual and spiritual growth For maturity and for fuller life. 

May Geography serve society and environment; 

fact-finding, reporting; a down-to-earth, guts subject. then go beyond, in attempts at analysing human and environmental problems and proferring approaches to their solution. 

Pre-occupation should not merely be with visible structures. 

To be holistic there is need to pay attention To matters kept taboo: to values positive and negative, that men live by, lie by, die by. 

I see need for courses: planning, conservation, hazard studies; holistic, experiential understanding of the local area, and societies fat, lean, purple, pink, and what creates imbalance, tension, fear, greed and culminates in violence. 

May Geography re-discover self-respect, and in a world of specialisms grow as bridge and nexus, Hindu, catholic; embracing, unifying, empathising. 

For, in such calling scorned by many, lies a means for truer understanding of the scope and problems of our time, and the wonder of this planet earth and the oft-forgotten beauty Of mankind.

Peace requires wisdom and continual conversion, a dying to self.